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Hair Toners: A Comprehensive Guide
Hair toners are a versatile and powerful tool in hair coloring. In this article, we are going to look into what hair toners are, who should be using them & how to choose the right toner, and apply it.
What are Hair Toners?
Hair toners are hair color products that are specifically designed to neutralize or enhance certain undertones in colored or naturally lightened hair. They are commonly used to combat unwanted brassiness or yellowish hues that can appear after bleaching or dyeing hair. All good toners are used in conjunction with developer. As a result they are able to open up the cuticle & retone the hair from the inside.
Are Purple Masks Toners?
Don't get confused! Purple masks tone the hair, but they act only on the surface of the hair. We do recommend that you use them, but only in conjunction with regular toners. You should also keep purple shampoos and mask in the bathroom to keep your freshly toned hair free from yellow. It does help!
Who Should Use Hair Toners?
Hair toners are ideal for anyone looking to go blonde.
What Should I do Before I Tone my hHair?
The best thing you can do before toning is to bleach your hair very very well.
Get the entire head up to a consistent level 10 blonde. That means a very very pale yellow.
Which Toner Should You Use?
There are various choices you need to make here. Ugly Duckling in fact makes 3 types of toners. They are listed below, in declining order of lifting power and strength.
Intense Toners
If for some reason, your bleaching has not been entirely successful, and you are still seeing a lot of yellow (and maybe even some orange), you need to use Ugly Duckling's Intense toners.
They contain a special booster ingredient which is great at lifting out yellow and lifting the hair by an additional level.
No other toners on the market do this.
Regular Cream Based Toners
Ugly Duckling's regular cream based toners still carry some lift, but only around half a level.
Their primary purpose is to tone, and they do so very well thanks to some really intense pigmentation.
Blondify Liquid Toners
Ugly Duckling's Blondify toners are liquid, ammonia-free toners. They act very fast (10 minutes only) and the mix can be poured straight onto the hair after bleaching.
This makes them the hairdressers' go-to favorite for toning.
Because they are ammonia-free, they are very gentle and you can use them every few weeks for refresh toning applications.
Blue Based or Purple Based?
In addition to choosing the category of toner, you also need to choose the pigment.
Violet Based Toners
These are perfect for neutralizing yellow tones in blonde hair. Use these when the hair is around level 8/9 or higher.
Blue Based Toners
These are good for canceling out orange or brassy tones. You can use light blue based dyes when the hair is around level 7-8.
Or you can use dark blonde blue-based dyes for toning down hair to a level 6-7.
Silver & Gray Toners
Ideal for achieving silver or gray hair colors, especially for those with naturally light hair.
Purple Grey Toners
Strong purple and ash pigments will neutralize yellow and give a stunning cool, violet tinge to blonde hair.
Clear Toners
A transparent toner can add shine and gloss and boost the levek of your hair without altering the existing color.
You can mix clear with other toners. Indeed, all Ugly Duckling toners are mixable.
How to Use Hair Toners
Before applying a toner, it's essential pre-lighten your hair as best as you can.
The aim should be to get the hair as close as possible to level 10 very very pale yellow.
Then rinse and towel dry the hair.
Now, make the appropriate toner choice.
Follow the mix instruction of the toner you have chosen.
Cream toners will need to be mixed in a plastic bowl.
Whereas Blondify liquid toners can also be shaken and mixed in an applicator bottle.
Choose the appropriate developer strength and get your mix right.
Then apply. Process the recommended time.
Then rinse, dry and style as usual.